Trade Exhibitors

The Banks Peninsula A&P Association’s Little River Show is one of the most popular A&P Shows in Canterbury with 3000 to 5000 people through the gates each year.

The trade space has consistently sold out well before closing date, so we recommend you register your interest early.

As always there’s plenty of entertainment for the children, and of course no shortage of stock and horses to view.

We offer two types of trade space:

  • A tender system is offered for all food/drink and side show entertainment.
  • A per lineal metre frontage is offered for normal trade space (selling items other than food/drink or providing side show entertainment).

The tender system offers all interested parties an equal opportunity to vie for space to sell food/drink or provide side show entertainment. We fix a limit of 3x coffee outlets and 2x ice cream outlets so each successful tender can capitalise their daily takings. Likewise, no one company can monopolise the side show entertainment. You simply tender the value you feel you should pay to take the trade space you require for the day.

Tender applications:  2024 Show Tender Application

Applications close Sunday 5th November 2023

The normal trade space is purchased by the lineal metre frontage. The depth of all trade space is 10m. The minimum frontage is 4m. The cost for normal trade space is $18 per lineal metre. The space requested must include caravan drawbars and guy ropes for tents. Limited power sites are also available for a fixed $25 connection fee. You will need to apply early to avoid disappointment.

Normal trade space application: 2024 Show Normal Trade Application

Applications close Sunday 5th November 2023

If you have any questions regarding either tendered space or normal trade space please do not hesitate contacting the trade space convenor, David Kearns, on 027 559 2552.

2025 Show Schedule

Show Results & Photos

2025 Results

2024 Results

2023 Results

Results Historical


Post your photos of the show with @littlerivershow tag or #littlerivershow on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter